​Product Spotlight: Gel-Pak increases throughput in automated inspection and measurement processes

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Automated inspection and measurement systems allow medical device manufacturers to verify dimensions as well as qualify parts and processes. Working with small components can be a challenge, as it is sometimes difficult to maintain orientation and position as parts move through the inspection system. Gel-Pak’s optically clear gel material helps improve efficiency by effectively holding components in place during the inspection and measurement process.

Gel-Pak manufactures a line of optically clear products including:

  • Gel-Boxes (AD Series): Transparent hinged box with proprietary gel coating applied to bottom.
  • Gel-Slides (CD Series): A glass slide coated with our proprietary gel material.
  • Gel-Film (PF or DGL Series): A proprietary film with polyester backing material.
  • All products come in a variety of tack levels and grids or patterns can be customized to meet the needs of your application.
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