​Product Spotlight: Gel-Pak Carriers for ESD Sensitive Devices

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Gel-Pak offers a variety of device carriers for applications where electrostatic discharge is a concern. These carriers securely hold components in place during shipping, handling, and processing.

TGel-Pak ESD AD Carriers: These versatile pocketless carriers are ideal for storing and transporting fragile devices that must avoid exposure to electrostatic discharge.

  • Comprised of a conductive or antistatic hinged box coated with our proprietary static dissipative Gel material
  • Surface Resistance (SR) for both box and Gel surface ≤ E09 ohms
  • Available in a variety of sizes and ESD Gel tack levels.
  • Standard and custom print options for both the hinged box and Gel surface.

Gel-Pak ESD Membrane Box: These carriers are an ideal solution for storing and transporting three-dimensional devices that are sensitive to electrostatic discharge.

  • Protects your device from electrostatic discharge.
  • Constructed using transparent elastic membrane mounted to top and bottom of a black static dissipative box.
  • Membrane conforms to your device securely holding it in place.
  • Surface Resistivity for both box and membrane ≤ E10¹¹ ohms/sq.

Gel-Pak's experienced technical support staff is available to answer your questions related to products or associated applications.

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