Delphon Will Be Exhibiting At Biomedevice In San Jose, CA– DEC. 5-6, 2018

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Hayward, CA
November 2018

Delphon is an innovative manufacturer of polymer and adhesive solutions for medical and electronic applications. The company will be showcasing its Gel-Pak®, E-Film™, UltraTape®, and TouchMark brands at the upcoming BIOMEDevice Tradeshow in San Jose, CA December 5-6.

The E-Film product line consists of stretchable polymer films that are ideal for medical wearables and FHE. The company’s flagship brand Gel-Pak offers gel-coated carriers used to protect sensitive semiconductor, photonic, and medical devices. Delphon’s UltraTape brand manufactures adhesive tape and label products for critical environments and TouchMark provides high-precision pad printing services for medical devices.

About Delphon

Delphon provides innovative polymer and adhesive solutions to the electronic and medical industries. For almost 40 years, the company has developed breakthrough products that provide solutions for manufacturing processes in a wide range of markets. The company is recognized worldwide for its high-quality brands Gel-Pak®, UltraTape®, and TouchMark. Customers from around the globe know that they can trust these brands even in the most critical environments.

Gel-Pak's experienced technical support staff is available to answer your questions related to products or associated applications.

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